Tuesday, August 26, 2008

MSNBC Olbermann And Matthews Uncomfortable To Watch

I have waited for this night for months now and usually prefer MSNBC's coverage above all others as you might have guessed I'm what most consider to be a "Liberal". However I choose not to label myself as such. People are often times more complex then the labels and definitions will allow for. At the beginning of the coverage right out of the batting box, Keith Olbermann's introduction,"I'm Keith Olbermann, he's Chris Matthews" Matthews: "I'm Chris Matthews" Olbermann rebutted, "I said that already!" It was uncomfortable to watch from the very beginning. As the night moved on I wondered if the rumor mill spawned by the right wing bloggers pined it right with their sentiments about the atmosphere over at MSNBC. "This {news business} is great if you're paranoid" Olbermann stated, and his mannerisms reflected a man with personal knowledge that his colleagues despise him.

Chris Matthews performance was less entertaining then the wistful dance his come over rendered throughout the night. His flushed beat red face made one wonder if he'd be needing medical intervention at some point before nights end. While interviewing Bill Maher, Matthews inquired, that if McCain had Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty as his running mate, what chances would that ticket have with such an odd sounding name. Maher snapped back, "you'd have to ask Barack Obama." Matthews reacted as if that had never occurred to him with his infamous tone deaf laugh.

Joe Scarborough made his expected appearance and began spewing business as usual with his talking points straight from John McCain's campaigner play book. Either it was an intended off mic comment or an intentional jab at Scarborogh, Keith Olbermann interrupted, "Jesus Joe, why don't you get a shovel." Scarborough not able to grasp the concept of what Keith implied took the conversation in the wrong direction. However it didn't slip by Matthews who ended the segment with, "Well, are we done? Shovel for Shovel." Probably the most witty statement of the night. Scarborough with time to reflect over night pounced on David Shuster this morning. Scarborough mocked Shuster's claim to be an independent rather than a Democrat -- "I bet everyone at MSNBC has 'Independent' on their voting cards. Oh, we're down the middle now!"; then he chastised his colleague for repeatedly failing to show up for Morning Joe broadcasts. "You didn't show up three times in a row. Three times you slept through your alarm and not came [sic] on this show. Undoubtedly making Shuster the whipping boy for Matthews and Olbermann.

Luke Russert debut as the youth representative in their news coverage. Awkward and out of his element are the words that come to mind. Olbermann had to stop Matthews from interrupting Russert and I could feel the tension from my comfortable spot on the couch. This looming unpleasantness only magnified by Tom Brokaw's assessment of Russert's performance. Olbermann chuckled, I know I'm thinking the same thing. Olbermann referring to the pride he felt towards Luke. However Brokaw's chuckling at the beginning of the interim reminded me of a mocking sentiment towards the coverage Olbermann and Matthews where providing us viewers. This on the heals of a statement from this past week where Brokaw stated Matthews and Olbermann had, "gone too far" in their coverage of the 2008 election.

Between the technical difficulties and the shocking statements like Olbermann's admission, I'm beginning to sound borderline sycophantic on this" it did make for a most interesting night. I still long for a unbiased reporter like the late great Tim Russert and wonder if MSNBC is turning into the liberal alternative to Fox News. With all the conservative voices on the other networks maybe America does have room for this suggestive journalism. What do you think?


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