Thursday, August 28, 2008

MSNBC Lost Without a Leader? Olbermann and Matthews the New Hope?

Whether you’re a GOP or progressive, liberal or conservative, the blogosphere is a hype with postings about MSNBC’s coverage of the DNC. It seems everyone’s blogging their opinion out on waves, the Internet ocean of information. I’d like to think I still know how to be objective. However, we are all morally superior in our own minds then reality allows. Yet, I too feel I must throw my hat in this ring. I’d like to applaud my liberal base for being objective BUT some of the liberal blogs have been as harsh and unrelenting as their conservative counterparts. Objectivity seemingly won the day on this account. Or is this the case, are these newscasters, Olbermann and Matthews, just telling it like it is? Are we being too harsh? Because one speaks truth, Matthews said referring to Cheney Wednesday night, I don’t have enough evidence to start this war; get some’ - I bet that’s a call that’s been made to the CIA,” Doesn't the evidence point to this conclusion? What's wrong with someone saying it?

Now this begs the question, “When the roles are reversed does this same objectivity apply?” When Bill “O” goes off on his rants(Malmedy)or Rush Limbaugh spews bias comentary on the airways, (like his "phony soldiers" or "Operation Chaos"), are the conservatives just as objective? When Fox Noise puts another coin in the conservative bucket does their party, “the republican base,” call them on it? The simple answer is, NO. The hits, attacks and pure hatred from the neocon base spew across the airways at a steady unrelenting pace and it’s been happening for so long now we hardly even notice. Much less even try and rebut or critique it. This is the ultimate double standard. As you might have guessed I’m no friend of Fox, Hannity, or Bill Oreilly, but I do see where they have their place in society. This country with it’s diverse heritage, opinions, and views, is a free nation with enough room for all these talking heads to coexist.

Maybe the time has come for a “liberal alternative,” something that can combat the neocon propaganda machine, Fox News. For years now during election time the right hits hard and utilizes it’s control of the corporate media to attack the other side. As Olbermann and Matthews say throwing “red meat” out to excite the conservative base and fire them up. After having a few days to reflect on the coverage by MSNBC maybe it’s a good thing we have a voice now, a few talking heads of our own, who can throw back a little of that “red meat.” For far too long we’ve had “no voice,” or “representatives,” on our side of this debate. Aren’t they saying a few things you’d love to say? Are they not going far enough? If you had a platform to express your frustration over the past 8 years what would say? How would you emphasize your frustration?

So, is MSNBC lost with out a leader? NO! Maybe they won’t carry on in the tradition of Tim Russert but what we will gain in return might be more valuable then we realize at this point. Looking back now, I say hit them harder, hit them low, they deserve it and the American people deserve a voice. We know full and well how dirty they’re going to start playing and I say it’s about time we had something to even out the playing field!

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